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Do I need to provide payment details for a free trial?
Do I need to provide payment details for a free trial?

Packt will ask for your payment details before you start a free trial. Find out how to cancel your trial and why payment details are needed

Aaron Nash avatar
Written by Aaron Nash
Updated over a week ago

When signing up for a free trial we ask for three bits of information: your details so we can create you an account, your address and a form of payment should you wish to stay after your trial.

You can cancel your trial at ANY time during the trial period. This means you can continue to use the tech library on an unlimited basis but on the last day of your trial we will not attempt to take payment. The library will become locked and only a small free sample will be available for each title.

Asking for payment details lets us verify your identity, prevent abuse of our system and to validate your purchase of a plan should you wish to continue after the trial period.

If you don't cancel your plan during the trial period, the payment method you provided during your sign up will be charged for each month you continue your subscription until you cancel. We will however be flexible with cancellation and refund requests where possible.

Please note that at the time of signing up for a free trial, an authorization may be requested on your chosen payment method to ensure it is valid. You may see a "pending" charge on statement for negligible amount. The authorization is refunded shortly afterwards and then removed by your payment provider.

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